The First Energy Center | Muladhara

Affirmation: I am safe. I trust more; I fear less. I am centered and grounded.

The first chakra is known as the root or base chakra. It is situated at the base of or tail end of the spine. It is represented by the color red, the element of earth and is related to fire signs astrologically.

The first chakra is the foundation of the physical body. It defines the concept of “Being” and “Accepting Being”… meaning accepting that we chose to be in physical form. It stimulates vital forces throughout our body and assists in keeping us grounded to the earth. It influences our immune system, our energy, basic impulses, instincts, endurance and fight or flight reactions. This chakra is the base of the six other Chakras and it deals with the body's survival including food, shelter, finances and safety. Relationships in our early life influence the wellbeing of this chakra. It helps to activate our energy and stimulates activity, exercise, action and vitality, if these early relationships were easy going and of good quality, later issues will be easy to process through.

If there was damage to this chakra caused in early life that has not been healed there may be challenges encountered in day to day life that prevent us from moving on through our development. The root chakra is relevant to achievements in the material world, permanence, strength of character, patience, endurance and safety.

When this center is balanced, we feel healthy, alive, free, optimistic, joyful, steady and full of vitality. If the root chakra has too much energy flowing through it, this could cause selfishness, greed, an over-powering manner, irritation, aggression and sadism. If there is too little energy flowing through it, this possibly will cause anxiety, lack of confidence, and a lack of ability to complete things. There may also be a leaning towards feeling unloved and masochistic.

If this chakra is imbalanced it can negatively influence the lower reproductive system, legs, feet, bones, adrenal glands, colon and lower spine. Common addictions related to it are alcohol, sex, OCD, and anger. We can help to balance this chakra physically by cooking and cleaning in the home, sitting on the ground, walking barefoot on the earth and dancing.

Related Healing Information

Key Focus – To have

Color - Red

Sanskrit Name – Muladhara

Element – Earth

Related Musical Note – C

Sound Toning – O as in “oh”

Bija Mantra - Lam

Stones – agate, bloodstone, hematite, garnet, ruby and red jasper

Listen at the link below to practice toning and singing the bija mantras with the sound of the crystal singing bowl playing the key connected to this chakra.


Journal about your experience to see what you observed within while singing and listening to the sounds.

What did you feel in your body?

What thoughts came into your mind?

What thoughts were connected to which feelings in your body?

Refer back to the rainbow chart of the chakras to see what clues it might have for you.

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